lunes, 18 de abril de 2011

TOP 10:

-          Really liked her proposal. It is very informative and persuasive. Also, I really how she offered help when others might need it. To me, the freedom of religion is one of the most important things a country should have.

-          I think it is really possible to for the UN to do what Airined is asking for. Libya deserves to be free and fight for their beliefs. A democracy will probably help a lot with the issue.

-          Racism is a huge problem in many parts of the world. It is not easy to change it completely, but the UN can sure try to make a difference and start helping countries like Italy.

-    -      Discrimination is also a huge problem affecting many parts of the world; this is why I chose Sarah’s proposal. Every human being should be treated equally. I think a better leading government could try to solve this problem.

Natalia O.
-          Freedom should be present in every country. This is why I chose Natalia’s proposal. I really liked how persuasive she was and the fact that many people in Syria don’t have any rights to fight foe what they believe in is horrible.

-          It is horrible to think that women are still being discriminated today. It is just unbelievable! Women should be free. Man or woman we are all the same. The UN should support these women that are fighting for their freedom and equality.

Natalia V.
-          Colombia needs more supporters so that they can fight for their rights and freedoms as they wish.

-          I chose this proposal because it talks about how women are being terribly mistreated. I also liked the idea of giving women an artifact they can use for help.

Miguel C.
-          Somalia desperately needs a stable and fair government, otherwise people will keep doing whatever they want and violence will become worse.

-          I chose Karolina’s proposal because UN can sure give her what she is asking for and help all those people without a home or food in Ivory Coast which is a big problem.

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